Animal Advocates Watchdog

YouTube video of Alberta's tar sands; Animal Rights Conference speeches in Washington; More; over 30 clips now up

Dear friends:

Since the start of my current continental tour as of July 1, I have taken over 300GB's worth of videos with my hard-drive camcorder, including aerial footage of Canada's infamous Alberta tar sands (which have rendered Athabascan fish tumorous and deformed, moose-meat toxic, and the native Chipewyan people cancer-ridden), plus dozens of my presentations in various provinces and states, and the 13 speeches I gave at the Animal Rights National Conference in Washington DC ( I'm currently in Maryland and have finally found the time to begin converting, editing and uploading selected footage on to YouTube, including the AR conference speeches (usually 12 minutes max. each) in their entirety. I have by no means finished, but there are already over 30 pieces uploaded and open to view. Please feel free to check them out, now and over the next few weeks.

To view the videos please go to and search for "Anthony Marr animal rights" - they should all appear. Comments welcome. Thank you.


Anthony Marr, founder
Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE)
