Animal Advocates Watchdog

What happens when it’s a child that stumbles upon a dead or dying bunny?
Horrified over shooting
To the editor:
RE: Kelowna rabbit cull underway

It’s shocking that there’s someone going around in the middle of the night shooting bunnies and it’s even more shocking that it’s sanctioned by the City of Kelowna.

With so many humane ways to do such a task, our family is horrified at what those poor animals are going through right now. What happens when one is shot and doesn’t die right away, to slink into hiding for someone or something to find it later? What happens when it’s a child that stumbles upon a dead or dying bunny? Do we take our children for a visit with the mayor and have her explain to them why such a horrible thing is happening to the bunnies of Kelowna? What happens when a mother bunny is shot and her babies are left to die of starvation in their den? What an agonizing death for the babies.

Last night while putting our children to sleep in their beds, visions of terrified bunnies ran through their heads.

Perhaps if it were a Jack Russell Terrier that was being shot, something cute and furry...oh right, the shooter gets charged and goes to court!

Jessica Nouwen - Kelowna

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