Animal Advocates Watchdog

Archie Beaulieu tormented by the death of his sled dogs *LINK*

Dene artist denies neglecting his sled dogs

CBC News

N.W.T. artist Archie Beaulieu says he and his 34 euthanized sled dogs are victims of a land dispute with the Behchoko community government.

Beaulieu was charged with animal neglect after his dogs were euthanized in September by Yellowknife veterinarian Tom Pisz at the request of the local government.

Pisz said the dogs had no food or water; they were extremely thin and malnourished, and ground in the pen was covered with mud and feces.

But Beaulieu, a well-known Dene painter from the Tlicho community 95 kilometres northwest of Yellowknife, told CBC News his dogs had not been neglected.

He said the community government complained about the condition of his dogs because it wanted the land where his kennel sat and had been trying to get him to move.

Photographs of the kennel taken by the local government made the dogs' situation look worse than it really was because it had just rained for eight days so the ground was covered with mud, Beaulieu said.

The pictures were also taken only a few days after a young person had let the dogs loose and they had some fights, he said.

Beaulieu said he is tormented by the death of his dogs.

"I can't think straight right now," he said. "I can't even concentrate on my painting. It's so bad I have to get on welfare assistance. I've never been on welfare before. That's how bad it is. I've got to feed my family."

Beaulieu has had sled dogs for 20 years and said he has always made sure they were looked after.

He said he plans to plead not guilty to the charge of animal neglect.

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Archie Beaulieu tormented by the death of his sled dogs *LINK*
Killing is too often the convenient solution in seizures, even of healthy animals
