Animal Advocates Watchdog

Citizen Slaughter at "Festival of Sacrifice"

The significant aspect of this delightful "Festival of Sacrifice" is that the walls of the slaughterhouse have been removed and the citizenry itself is performing the murders.

Over a million chickens are murdered every hour in North America to supply fat North Americans with their fast food fix.

Ten billion innocent animals are raised to be murdered every year in the western world.

All the streets of this world would run red, if the "god (whatever god) fearing" citizens murdered their own meat.

Any farmer who raises animals for the "Meat Industry", in whatever country, for whatever reason, is complicit in murder.

Why should I be shocked at these people for doing it openly?

Try to be vegan in any western country and you will find yourself spending half your life reading labels on food stuffs to see if some innocent has been murdered to make that particular food stuff tasty.

Let's get our priorities right! Liberate all animals; maybe even humans!

Messages In This Thread

Animals Australia investigates Festival of Sacrifice in the Middle East (Eid-al-Adha) *LINK* *PIC*
Citizen Slaughter at "Festival of Sacrifice"
I like Barry Faires, but he is being too nice
