Animal Advocates Watchdog

Please help save Brindi from death at the Halifax SPCA *LINK* *PIC*

December 20, 2008

Good Afternoon

I have written to many of you before, but unfortunately did not respond to this very important issue. Perhaps you thought this issue was only about 1 dog and 1 woman and was not worthy of your attention? Well, as a compassionate human being and as an animal activist, I believe it is worthy of everyone's attention. It is a personal human plight of a woman, Francesca Rogier, who, for the past 5 months, has been and is still fighting to save her dog Brindi, against the wrongful, unjust system of Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Francesca has not been allowed to visit her dog Brindi at the HRM shelter since she was seized by animal control officers on July 24, 2008. On Wednesday, December 17, 2008, she went to the shelter once again to try to see Brindi. The SPCA had the police officially ban her from setting foot on the SPCA property for six months, or she would be fined $250. Francesca is presently unemployed, due to health problems and her costs to date have exceeded $12,000 for legal and shelter costs of $25/day. Very few people have been interested to donate to this personal cause, to help ease Francesca's heavy burdens.

Not only is there the possibility of an innocent dog, Brindi being destroyed, but Halifax is destroying Francesca! Her blogs clearly indicate this.

Therefore, I am asking you once again and for the last time, to 'please' use your "INFLUENCE" to help save Brindi & Francesca Rogier. Time is running out for both!

Now, is the time to write an urgent message to the Premier of Nova Scotia, "The Honourable Rodney Macdonald", asking him to PARDON Brindi and release her to Francesca, Brindi's rightful owner.

Excerpt from Jim Willis's Message of December 19, 2008
- Jim Willis, USA-East, worldanimalday.usaeastambassador

{My summary plea will be cross-posted to hundreds of lists, etc., but that is no replacement for animal lovers in Halifax helping Francesca save Brindi, or Canadian media reporting this story. It's clear the Halifax authorities intend to wear down Francesca before crucifying Brindi. The only "crime" that's been committed is keeping Brindi in a shelter these past 6 months and not even allowing Francesca to visit her. That's inhumane and cruel, and I don't know why Halifax doglovers haven't taken to the streets about it. I hope all of you who are involved will continue and redouble your efforts. I hope the editors and list owners I'm BC'ing in now will join the campaign to save Brindi.}

For anyone who needs the background links:
Letters of support:
Facebook: Save Brindi
Epier.Com fundraising online auction:
Free Brindi ipetition:
Care2 Alert:>

You can contact Francesca Rogier directly: Phone # 902 827 3716

If you decide to write, please send me a blind copy.

Email Address
Mailing Address
The Honourable Rodney Macdonald
Premier of Nova Scotia
One Government Place
7th Floor, 1645 Granville St
PO Box 726
Halifax, NS

Cross-posting is appreciated.

Heartfelt Thanks to all those who have written numerous letters of support and made phone calls.

"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye". Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Carol Waterman/Montreal, Qc. Canada

Messages In This Thread

Please help save Brindi from death at the Halifax SPCA *LINK* *PIC*
Time is running out fast for Brindi's safety & life
My Heartfelt Thanks to Animal Advocates who took their precious time to post this story *LINK*
