Animal Advocates Watchdog

Did old e keep a trick monkey?
In Response To: bless the boy... ()

Barry is poking fun at me, the Philistine, for thinking anyone who calls themselves e e cummings is an egotistical twit who needs to attract attention to himself with a silly trick like spelling his name all in lower case. I asked Barry if old e kept a monkey that danced for his crowd of admirers, but Barry failed to see the humour in that question. (Just kidding, Barry roared with laughter.)

Rachel's stunningly beautiful poetry is the trick that draws attention and awe.

Yes, that was not about animals, but only I get to do that.

Messages In This Thread

One Christmas morning *LINK*
bless the boy...
Did old e keep a trick monkey?
Raven wise... Raven flys...
Absolutely wonderful
Thank you everyone...
