Animal Advocates Watchdog

Re: TransCanada Pipeline Corp. now a 'major sponsor' of Yukon Quest sled dog cruelty?

Quotes from the article above:

"TransCanada's decision to substantially increase their support strengthens our organization and the race itself."

"The Yukon Quest is a natural fit for TransCanada's community investment program," said Peter Kruselnicki, TransCanada's vice president of public sector relations.

"It is a unique event that fosters and recognizes the deep bonds uniting northerners in Canada and the United States."

I am so sick of PR departments' attempts to camouflage animal abuse under the guise of community welfare. They constantly dupe the ignorant public with their prettied-up fables, all the while their sole purpose is to simply rake in publicity and money for their corporations.

I recently steeled up my courage to watch a television show on the Discovery Chanel, entitled 'out in the cold'. (I say steeled up because I am literally on the verge of vomiting when I feel the need to view these programs to gather information.) It was hosted by Barry Kennedy, who was enjoying his first attempt at mushing.

The show featured a fellow named Dirty Harry, on Lake LaBarge - the stomping grounds of the infamous Sam McGee. Dirty Harry runs a business that allows the paying public to experience the thrills of riding behind a team of burdened dogs through the bucolic snowbanks of Alaska.

The men alternately described the dogs' roles in this experience as: "just a group of friends out for a run" and marvelled as to how "they provide companionship".

As they filmed the ride, they were sure to show the dogs just lolling along the nice flat surfaces, where they appeared to face no dangers or challenges.

In later scenes, we see the dogs chained to little wooden houses with straw scattered about.

With a wary eye, I took note as the men approached the dogs. Sure enough, each and every dog cringed, crept forward only when commanded, staying flat on the snowy ground, with tails positively plastered between their legs onto their bellies.

One was unchained by Harry and literally dragged into the house because he was an old guy, as Harry explained and would have the priviledge of sitting by the fire indoors. This dog also remained submissive and appeared totally traumatized as he was pulled by his collar to the house.

Harry discussed the dogs with the TV host and stated that "the dogs always come first" and that "the dogs get fed first" and that "you never put the food between two dogs" because of their instincts to fight over it.

When asked about how to acquire a dog for this business, Harry tells us that "straw is not strictly required" for their huts. However, if you are about to purchase a dog, you should "borrow a dog for the night", keeping him without straw. If the dog is "lying in wet in the morning, he's a 'melter' and that he gives off more heat and he's not a good one" don't buy that one.

How sickening that this program will be great advertising for this cruel business and entice people to go and experience this thrill for themselves, giving no thought to the reality of the violent and abusive life led by the beautiful animals they profess to love.

My next act is to contact several organizations such as PETA, Greenpeace, Wildlife Federation, etc., and beg them to physically monitor and take action against the entire dog-sledding industry. I imagine some of these people have been approached already, but the more folks who contact them, the more likely they will take notice. My little voice is never going to change one dog's experience in this realm, but I am determined to at least have more influential groups join our battle. And no, I no longer care just how radical an organization may be; any publicity is better than none. (NB: I do not condone violence, however, in spite of the fact that I feel like clobbering an awful lot of animal abusers).

If anyone here has names, addresses, previous letters and/or contacts, I'd appreciate them; if I don't have to start from scratch, it could save me a lot of time. Thanks for listening to this long rant - and as I have said a million times in previous battles: Ever Onward.

Messages In This Thread

TransCanada Pipeline Corp. now a 'major sponsor' of Yukon Quest sled dog cruelty?
Yukon News: 'Quest loses raffle' *LINK*
Re: TransCanada Pipeline Corp. now a 'major sponsor' of Yukon Quest sled dog cruelty?
'Out in the Cold' series *LINK*
