Animal Advocates Watchdog

AAS gets letters from all over the world asking for advice about suffering yard dogs

Send your advice to me and I will send it to Maryjane of Texas.

My neighbor is a nice guy. For some reason, he seems to think dogs don't have feelings and are solely to used as cheap alarm systems. He has had 3 dogs since I have lived across the street for 3 1/2 years. His third dog just died. Like the others, she was found stretched out to the end of her line - dead. I ask him about the injuries and he says it's impossible to tell as the vultures have already gotten to them. He has had chihuahuas and they are always kept outside tied to a zip line. His wife will absolutely NEVER let dogs in the house. I have never seen him or either of his two sons walk the dogs, or even play with them for that matter. He told me yesterday that he thinks a hawk is killing his dogs and he intends to get a medium-sized dog next, so that won't happen. I told him to let me research around and find a dog that is very LOW activity and wouldn't mind being tied up. He agreed.

As you and I know, there is no such dog. I was buying time to figure out a way to inform him of responsible dog ownership. I was researching the effects of solitary confinement on human prisoners and effects of isolation of Arctic scientists and medical patients confined to bed. Most result in mental confusion, aggression, fear, anti-social behavior and extreme hyperactivity when presented with stimulus. I came across your website. I am looking for a diplomatic article that would impress a person who is not overtly cruel to his animals, who always feeds and waters his pets, but keeps it on a chain in his back yard to warn him of possible intruders. I don't want to jeopardize the relationship I have created with my neighbor, but I MUST be an advocate for animals. He witnesses my treatment of my animals: I erected a fence around my half acre and put a pet door in as soon as I moved in. My dogs are bathed a groomed regularly on my front porch (for his benefit) and the lab accompanies me everywhere I go (the Great Pyrenees would rather stay in the yard while I'm gone and "protect" the property and cats). I walk my dogs every day and I even tried to offer a small amount of money to walk my dogs to his son who showed interest in my dogs (to no avail).

What can I do? Do you think a zip line that attached to their back porch (ground level) and all around their fence-less half acre would be adequate for a dog? They will probably never go out to specifically play with the dog, but the males are outside a lot working in the yard. The dog would be able to watch their activity indoors, too, if he could get to the back porch. I could show him some wonderful toys and treats that would help stimulate the dog. I could walk the dog some, too.

I need some printed material that outlines the effects of tethering a dog and never giving it attention.

Maryjane Moore
Fledgling Dog Groomer

Messages In This Thread

AAS gets letters from all over the world asking for advice about suffering yard dogs
Two websites on the effects of tethering dogs
