Animal Advocates Watchdog

Our group trapped 60 in 2003 for free and we are still paying for care

Why is the main focus of this rabbit cull about the MONEY and NOT about the rabbits?????

The greedy EBB wants $17,000 to trap 150 more rabits. (Our group trapped 60 in 2003 for free and to this day we are still paying to feed & house the ones that haven't yet found homes.)

Then the groups (not named in the above story so I am not sure who they are referring to and thus am not slighting any group) say they want the city to pay for feed & housing of them if they step in to help.

My question is - where are the rabbits in this?

Why can't people who want to help the rabbits step in and help and then fundraise to support them. That is the way we work because if we waited for the money first, nothing would happen....the animals would be dumped or euthanized.

Rescue doesn't work that way, rescue never has the money it is always a catch-up game. We never have lots of money but we have constant bottle drives, card sales etc and whatever else we have to do to try raise the money to pay the bills. I am sure if TRACS took in the rabbits and put out a plea for help, we could all band together to raise the necessary funds. Groups would work together in situations like this, no?

In Kelowna it seems to be a money game. The rabbits need help now but if people come forward and tell the city they can help but 'it will cost them', then the city has the power and will be looking for the cheapest out. Again, the rabbit lose.

I wonder how many rabbits will be sold in Kelowna this Easter.

Messages In This Thread

Kelowna bunny lovers freeing rabbits from traps
Our group trapped 60 in 2003 for free and we are still paying for care
