Animal Advocates Watchdog

But they do have a solution - they chain them up for their whole lives *LINK* *PIC*

But they do have a solution - they chain them up for their whole lives, in -40 degrees, feet and ears frozen, sometimes frozen to death, in the blasting summer heat, force to live in their feces, swarmed by flies, ravaged by worms and diseases. The North is still very savage. Thank god for the few rescuers and advocates. I don't know how they can bear what they see and know.

The Newfie is Diesel, who is now in a wonderful home in North Vancouver. The black dog is on her way here in a few days. The Chesapeake and the Coonhound have foster homes to come to, if only their owner will give them up. Each dog costs $800 to fly down, and that is only the beginning of our expenses. You can help us pay their bills and keeping saving more. Please donate at

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Loose dogs a problem in Iqaluit
But they do have a solution - they chain them up for their whole lives *LINK* *PIC*
