Animal Advocates Watchdog

I think a key word here is in the first sentence: "salaries"

I think a key word here is in the first sentence: "salaries". Love and money are the two greatest motivators. If you're really, really lucky you can find someone who will do something for love (first) AND for money (second). But the line quickly blurs. When faced with standing up for a principle at the risk of losing their salary, who will stay strong? It seems to me that all it takes is one senior person to be hired whose priority is money and the original loving intentions behind the founding of a charity can disappear like a puff of smoke. It's happened before. Anything can be justified and explained, anything. How to take the justifications and explanations depends in my view on how much money is being taken home by the person giving the explanations and justifications.

Messages In This Thread

Animal sanctuaries criticized over surge in euthanizations *LINK*
I think a key word here is in the first sentence: "salaries"
What do you mean, "euthanasia"?
The SPCA's list of 56 reasons it can kill for while saying it doesn't kill except to end the suffering of an animal that is 'beyond medical help' *LINK*
Imagine if we utilized the same 56 reasons and resulting consequence to deal with human ailments!!!
Re: The SPCA's list of 56 reasons it can kill for while saying it doesn't kill except to end the suffering of an animal that is 'beyond medical help'
Mr. Busch's and Dr. Lawson's acts of kindness and empathy
Repellancy of actions have to be concealed
Brave truth-tellers are too rare
