Animal Advocates Watchdog

SPCA - Take a stand dammit! Stop selling meat made of suffering factory farmed animals!

'The Humane Farming Association's goals are to protect farm animals from cruelty"

Are the above goals not also those of the BC SPCA? Certainly that is what the public is led to believe - this mandate is constantly quoted and touted in the media, and on literature produced by SPCA. The Mission Statement on their web site states: To protect and enhance the quality of life for domestic, farm and wild animals in British Columbia.

Could someone please explain to me how this mission is being upheld when the serving of hot dogs at fundraising events is clear approval of the killing of factory farmed pigs, cows, chickens and turkeys? There is no denying that the SPCA happily accepts the dollars that are raised at events that serve hot dogs and hamburgers. The public so readily attend these occasions without a thought to the fact that they are devouring the remains of cruelly raised and treated animals themselves.

Should we not be calling the SPCA on their conflict of interest? Do we not need to raise a hue and cry over the fact that the SPCA, who should be leading the way to teaching that eating the flesh of one animal is no different than eating the flesh of another? Perhaps the main concern is no longer the absolute welfare of all creatures - perhaps the thought of the money that would be lost if they stood up and announced that they will not approve of serving meat at any fundraising activities, is foremost in their minds afterall.

Leadership involves taking risks. Did Lincoln not risk and receive criticism upon mandating the freedom of one race of human beings? At no time in history has change not provoked negative response from those who wished to retain the status quo. The SPCA seems unwilling to stand up for its own principles and go out on a limb and say that they will no longer accept donations from events that will require the butchering of any animal. They need to stop duping the public and teach the true meaning of animal welfare. It seems evident by past experience that this message is one the SPCA chooses not to entertain. My guess is that they are well aware that much of their donation sources will dry up and that greed will out.

My main message to the management of BC SPCA is: Take a stand, dammit!

Messages In This Thread

Parksville SPCA: Hot dogs to aid real dogs *LINK*
Let's see... how many different farmed animals suffered for the SPCA's money-maker?
SPCA - Take a stand dammit! Stop selling meat made of suffering factory farmed animals!
Some animals are worth saving and some aren't and can be eaten.... for money
Selling factory farmed animal meat is the SPCA's idea of farm animal welfare?
Lifeforce asks: It would be illegal to chain a dog for months so why be cruel to these little doggies and piggies? *LINK*
