Animal Advocates Watchdog

A Guenther: SPCA needs to do what's best for the animals they are supposedly protecting

A Guenther
While I'm more than a little appalled at the thought of a couple of those cats being already dead in the house, I have to agree wholeheartedly with Barbara Yaffe on all counts.
Quote from Moriarty:
"While it's admirable to take in sick cats you have to be able to provide them the medical treatment they deserve," she says.
"It's not fair to take in a cat that sick and then fail to treat it - you're just prolonging the cat's agony."
All well and true which is why the SPCA should be working in conjunction with March to ensure that those last days will be good ones for the cats. Medical attention from the SPCA to shelter and food from March.
The BCSPCA has well publicized invasions of these places and all to justify their own donations. Some cases they are warned about and miss, some are extremely warranted, and some like this case, are warranted to a certain degree but, are not from cruelty but instead from a lack of funding. Nobody it seems, has the funding available to treat and shelter animals like the SPCA does.
And yet, when my cat had kittens something went wrong and she could not eat. For about a week I watched her slowly die before my eyes. The SPCA was the first one I called and they said sorry they had reached their quota for the month. It was a call to a vet that got me talking to 3 societies that finally gave me the financial support to get her looked at and eventually healed and neutered. When I get sick she lays with me and puts her paw on my stomach.
SPCA needs to be less high and mighty and self-righteous and start worrying about what's best for all animals they are supposedly trying to protect.

Messages In This Thread

Forgotten Felines founder faces animal cruelty charges
Yaffe: SPCA is in a conflict of interest here
A Guenther: SPCA needs to do what's best for the animals they are supposedly protecting
Think what it would be like...
Did they ever offer practical "help" or did they just grind her down?
The SPCA's press release
No naming of the no-kill groups who took the cats and paid their expenses in the SPCA's press release
