Animal Advocates Watchdog



DATE: Thursday, April 8

TIME: 6:30 PM

LOCATION: Society for Promoting Environmental Conservation
2150 Maple Street (at corner of 6th & Maple. Two blocks west of Burrard St.)

If you get lost you may call Brian's cell at: 604-618-1030

Recently, a group of committed animal rights advocates gathered in Vancouver to launch a new and important effort to expose the University of British Columbia’s experiments on animals. Our campaign, Stop UBC Animal Cruelty, will play a critical role in educating the public about what really happens behind the imposing walls of UBC’s research laboratories and facilities.

Most students and area residents are unaware that UBC is one of the largest bio-medical campuses in the country. The university annually distributes some 100,000 animals, both large and small, to dozens of UBC affiliated-research projects. UBC researchers in Vancouver and in other related facilities around Canada have been routinely experimenting on animals, including pigs, rats, rabbits, mice, cats, and non-human primates.

Thousands of animals endure a grim existence at UBC. You can help them by joining our campaign to stop experimentation on animals at the university. Please attend our upcoming meeting.

The April 8 meeting will be an exciting one. Our various teams and committees will be reporting their activities to the larger group. And we'll likely be unveiling our brand new logo and nearly final mockup of our website. Plus, we'll have a chance to break into smaller groups to brainstorm about campaign strategies.

Finally, we'll have some delicious vegan food and drinks for everyone. I'll be bringing my famous home-made Apple Bavarian torte.

Please RSVP so we know how much food and beverages to bring. Thanks!

NOTE: Our campaign recently created a Facebook group page. Membership is by invitation only. So if you'd like to join our Facebook page, please let me know.

Stop UBC Animal Cruelty is an animal rights campaign that employs peaceful, legal, and compassionate approaches to educate the public about the grim realities of research on animals at the University of British Columbia and to ultimately bring about an end to research on animals at UBC.
