Animal Advocates Watchdog

Re: SPCA feedback re: photo of cat cages

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely! No one should be given the authority to stifle criticism.Now, as well, Doug Brimacombe is personally scrutinizing all new membership applications and deciding who will be a suitable member. A healthy organization welcomes criticism and encourages a wide membership. If criticism is unjust, the BCSPCA can take advantage of an opportunity to explain its policies in question and thus educate the public. If the criticism is justified it can take action to address a problem before it escalates into a public scandal. The BC SPCA needs to welcome all animal lovers as members, and to invite them to help make the Society what they, as members, feel it should be.

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SPCA feedback re: photo of cat cages
Re: SPCA feedback re: photo of cat cages
Re: SPCA feedback re: photo of cat cages
Re: SPCA feedback re: photo of cat cages
