Animal Advocates Watchdog

What damage has the SPCA done to BC's tourism industry and reputation?

What damage has the SPCA done to BC's tourism industry and reputation?

The world-wide horror and outrage over the slaughter will have done irreparable damage to BC's tourism industry and reputation. And it only happened because the incompetent SPCA ignored years of red flags and permitted this atrocity when it decided not to personally investigate Bob Fawcett's own allegations against himself.

Messages In This Thread

Dog expert Dr Stanley Coren didn't think the SPCA did its job in helping prevent the Whistler slaughter
Who is Ms Drever's U.S. "expert"?
The task force must recommend that the secretive and bungling SPCA be replaced by an accountable agency
What damage has the SPCA done to BC's tourism industry and reputation?
More SPCA contradictions: Says it knows how sled dogs live, but then Drever thought she didn't have to investigate
