Animal Advocates Watchdog

BC SPCA use of trendy buzz word "Guardian"

On many BCSPCA websites around the province it is stated "relinquished by guardian".

A guardian by dictionary definition is a "keeper or protector".

Obviously someone who dumps their dog at the SPCA is neither, and the BC SPCA needs to recognise that and stop legitimising people who are abandoning their dogs and cats. Dumpers do not deserve the term guardian, at best they should be referred to as a previous owner (like we own shoes or clothes we recycle when we are tired of them). Calling dumpers "guardians" is more subtle enabling of dumping by the SPCA which has a long history of enabling a policy of unlimited surrender - the source of all its "product". And it just goes to prove that the SPCA is more about p.r. than honest animal welfare because "guardian" is the latest buzz word.

"Guardian" could be applied to encourage the new person adopting the animal to be more responsible, but by using the term for people dumping their pets the BC SPCA is negating "Guardianship" as well.

Animals need the BCSPCA to stop merchandising them like they do the junk in their thrift stores.
