Animal Advocates Watchdog

Will Craig Daniell Recognize That Honesty Really Is the Best Policy

There is one simple solution to resolve the state of chaos and disarray that the BC SPCA finds itself in: honesty.

If the BC SPCA were able to simply admit to having made mistakes and truly demonstrate that steps are being taken to both remedy its mistakes and prevent further transgressions, it would find that many of its critics would turn down the heat. It would also find that many of its problems would solve themselves.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."
Chronic dishonesty has trapped the BC SPCA in a web so thick and deep, that even the Spin Doctor Queen is snared.

New CEO Craig Daniell has a big job ahead of him. Will he choose to take the high road of honesty and leave the tangled web of deceit and self-serving behind? Will he ensure that the Board of Directors is kept honestly and completely informed so that it can make honest and informed decisions?

Honesty is such a simple concept. Honesty itself simplifies. Will the BC SPCA decide to simply become honest?

We shall wait and see, and hope.

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"Safe Haven" shelter in Chilliwack. The BC SPCA itself opened the door to the competition
The market abhors a vacuum: The new shelter Society in Chilliwack, Safe Haven, is a harbinger of worse to come for the SPCA.
Will Craig Daniell Recognize That Honesty Really Is the Best Policy
