Animal Advocates Watchdog

A Merry Christmas and a New Year that brings real prevention of cruelty to animals in BC

Our Christmas message this year is not in our words, but in the words of one of our supporters, and though it was sent to us it is for all of you...

"With warm thoughts for a Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy, and healthy New Year, not only for humans, but for all creatures on earth.

Together we will make it happen.

Life is all about morals and service. That is what makes it worth living, when the heart is in the right place.


Thank-you Dolores, you expressed just what AAS believes, and this is why we dedicate ourselves to raising the moral standards of animal welfare in BC and why we dedicate our service to chained dogs and other suffering animals. And Yes, together we WILL make it happen!

Poems, prose and card for you,...the AAS Christmas page
