Animal Advocates Watchdog

WCB and the BC SPCA: Contradictions?

From South Delta Leader:

The WCB review of the incident, released yesterday, Jan. 15 in response to a request by the Leader, says Muir was not properly trained to assess the threat posed by a potentially vicious dog away from SPCA premises "in the field."
While the SPCA does instruct staff how to assess potentially threatening animals, the report says that training only applies to "animals in the SPCA kennel environment, not interactions with animals in the 'field."

From the Sun:
"The training they have is quite extensive", said SPCA spokesperson Lorie Chortyk, she said the society has offered a training program to its officers for dealing with aggressive dogs since the Spring of 2002, and Muir took part in three training sessions.

Ms Chortyk is talking about having dog handling training in the shelters and WCB is talking about the SPCA not having any dog handling training in the field. What happened to the distinction? That it was lost in the Sun article is misleading.

More confusion... "Two months before the attack, the SPCA had developed an internal occupational health and safety program that identified the needs for a "vicious dog handling course" but nothing has been done, the report notes, stating it "does not include specific written instructions with respect to worker interaction with potentially vicious dogs."

Neither the SPCA's media person, nor the media itself are known for accuracy. But one point is made clear in the WCB report... Ms Chortyk is mistaken when she says that training is "extensive". It did not extend to field training. So now this new issue is as murky as all SPCA pronouncements of programs.

Messages In This Thread

WCB: Lack of training and SPCA staff safety *LINK*
WCB and the BC SPCA: Contradictions?
UPDATE: WCB finds SPCA violated occupational health and safety regulations
