Animal Advocates Watchdog

Man-made madness

It is difficult to even hope that humankind will change for the better, when it comes to issues involving animals. Considering that in most parts of the world basic human issues are far from being addressed, let alone solved... and that most issues Dr. Best has touched upon have not even been effectively tackled for humans, there is little hope for animals in the foreseeable future. They are not a priority in todays human dominated society.

We humans are a self destructive bunch, and in the bigger scheme of things that will probably be our ultimate demise... and that is the only hope animals have in the long run.

Whether it will be an astronomic apocalypse [radiation, meteor impact etc] , nature based catastrophy [super virus, devastating climatic or atmospheric changes] or in all likelihood man-made madness, eventually nature will even out the odds, and the animals will prevail. There will again be much fewer [if any] of us and more of them - albeit different species than today - and nature will run its course one more time, as it has so many times before.

In a world where indiscriminant slaughter of millions of people is still rampand on a regular basis, thinking that by coming together and holding hands we will be able to change attitudes towards domestic animals, and save animal species is wishful thinking. One can do things on an individual basis and feel good about it, but that will in all likelihood not save any species or make those animals living among us happier - in the long run.

We have changed their existense and way of life in such terms, that from here on only nature can make things right again.

I agree on one thing with Dr.Best though... and that is his last sentence.
"The message of nature is evolve or die"
In this respect I don't see "evolve" as an option.

Messages In This Thread

The Challenge of Animal Rights by Dr.Steve Best
Man-made madness
Equality of Animal and Human Rights
