Animal Advocates Watchdog

Meat production is protected in the PCA Act

The SPCA's Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act protects the means of production of meat in Section 24(2): "Subsection (1) (the crime of causing distress in an animal) does not apply if the distress results from an activity that is carried on in accordance with reasonable and generally accepted practices of animal management.

It is meat-eaters that makes factory farming methods accepted by their outcry if the price of meat rises because of more humane, and more expensive, methods of meat production.

The SPCA can urge people to become vegetarians, but as far as we know it never has, probably because that would offend many of its donators. In fact the SPCA is infamous for serving meat at its fundraisers, from wieners to roast beef.

Until people stop eating meat and demanding that it be cheap, all factory farming cruelly will go on being a reasonable and generally accepted practice. Parents who abhor cruelty should talk to their children about meat eating.

Messages In This Thread

Should the SPCA prosecute for cruelty to rabbits? *LINK* *PIC*
Mutilated rabbits in Whonnock Lake Park
Re: Mutilated rabbits in Whonnock Lake Park
The Animal Learning Centre is part of the Surrey SPCA
This kind of education gives kids the message that imprisoning animals is okay
Many people purchase a rabbit from a breeder or pet store as a "starter pet" for children
A not-so-lucky rabbit's feet *PIC*
Rabbit relocation sparks ire
If I was a rabbit, I would take freedom and a natural life no matter how brief
The population growth must stop, or the problem will be compounded
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Rabbit producers use archaic methods and BC SPCA "education" is archaic too
Meat production is protected in the PCA Act
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