Animal Advocates Watchdog

The former president of the BC SPCA doesn't seem to know the facts and yet he's now touting his misinformation on radio

The funding the provincial government provides the BC SPCA is solely for the purpose of assisting with the costs associated with the training required for Special Provincial Constables. The money is not, nor was it ever for compensating, or covering any costs incurred with enforcing the PCA Act. The former president of the BC SPCA doesn't seem to know the facts and yet he's now touting his misinformation on radio.


“ Half of our Branches derive some additional income from municipal animal control contracts and dog licensing. As well, the BC government provides an annual grant to assist with the cost of training Special Provincial Constables. “

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Ex-SPCA President says Society needs more Provincial money
The former president of the BC SPCA doesn't seem to know the facts and yet he's now touting his misinformation on radio
