Animal Advocates Watchdog

Dog slaughter in China. WARNING - PHOTO OF DOGS IN CAGES *LINK* *PIC*

I got the following email from a supporter of my campaign to boycott Chinese products in protest at human and animal rights abuses.

"I live in Beijing China, and have seen so many disturbing and disgusting exaples of animal cruelty, once witnessing the slaughter of a dog, in front of a dog meat restaurant, on one of the busiest streets in town, on the sidewalk, with pedestrians passing. The dog had been hung up, while alive i might add, by a hook through it's chin. Legs tied together. In one swift motion a man stabbed the dog in the neck and proceeded to slice the dog open all the way down. An ocean of blood is the only way I could describe it. I had to turn away, and tried to leave as fast as i could, but the sounds the dog was making, the screaming, not a wail or a whimper, but screams, almost human, definately unnatural, were audible down the street, even as i tried to escape the sight, i was haunted by the sound. It was truly one of the most inhumane things I've ever seen, and one of the most traumatic."

If, as I do, you find this unacceptable, please join my campaign to boycott Chinese products at
