Animal Advocates Watchdog

Update on SPCA concern

The SPCA executive have not yet acknowledged my e-mail of concerns.

An animal lover's reply to an e-mail from me, and my e-mail:

Hi Brigitta,
Just so you know, I too noted the same horrible conditions at the shelter last Saturday. Cat room was filthy and dogs runs were full of poop as usual. This was in the afternoon, a volunteer was there and she was busily trying to clean up everything. The two staff that were there on site were sitting in the office.

Brigitta wrote:

It's such a dilemma. After dog walking on Tuesday I saw too many bone-dry water bowls as late as 12:00 noon. But ___ was working hard in the cat room. That shelter could use more people. One little cat living in one of the small cages in the bathroom/kitchen, the bottom cage, was crying and crying. When I thought of the thousands of dollars spent by head office on consultants and on lawyers [to protect themselves, not the animals] while a little cat lives on a bathroom floor in a cage that's too small to hold an adequate water bowl, I couldn't hold it in anymore. So I've put it very publicly in writing that I will keep animal lovers on line updated about the SPCA's response to me -- or lack of response.
