Animal Advocates of B.C.

August 2003


The first time was in January 2001.   The law firm of Owen Bird was hired to threaten AAS founder and president Judy Stone with personal ruin if she did not remove all material alleged to be defamatory by the BC SPCA. Stone could not be intimidated and posted even worse accounts of SPCA actions in her internet response to Owen Bird, in which Stone said that she would temper the AAS web site to reflect reform at the BC SPCA, if it reformed.  AAS only asked that the SPCA stop serving itself and start serving animals; that it use the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act to prevent cruelty; and that it promote animal welfare - as its millions of donators thought it was doing.   read here.

The second time was October 2002 when the law firm of Lawson Lundell was hired to intimidate Net Nation, AAS's web server, into shutting down the AAS web site.  It would have worked - NetNation preferred to fold on us rather than involve itself in a legal battle - except that once again, Stone proved that since the BC SPCA said it would reform, it's own actions precluded the trust in its honesty that AAS required in order to remove the material the SPCA disliked so much.

The SPCA still does not appear to understand what AAS has told it repeatedly:  That AAS does not expect reform to happen quickly - the legacy of fifty years of dog control/disposal contracts is too entrenched in the attitudes of the employees hired to dispose of dogs for money while pretending to be doing animal welfare and prevention of cruelty.  The legacy of deceit, misleading the public, hiding the finances, hypocrisy, self-serving, secrecy, and other dishonesties may take as many as five years to change.

AAS founder Judy Stone knows how hard it is to change a work culture because before founding Animal Advocates Society she founded a roofing contracting company and roofing is one of the dirtiest, most dangerous, most dishonest trades of all.  Stone's experience being a roofing contractor is what allowed her to see that the SPCA had become a animal disposal contractor, and that prevention of cruelty, promoting animal welfare, humane education, and advocating for animals had been all but supplanted by its contracting business.

Stone knows that the BC SPCA must rid itself of the old guard dog-disposal employees who won't move with the times, who prefer to go on disposing of dogs (and cats and other little animals) and that these employees have been fighting with every dirty trick they can find. We know that the bosses of the Vancouver SPCA's pound contracting empire signed an agreement with the SPCA's union that obliges the SPCA to bid on every pound contract available in the lower mainland for ten years.  There are other legacies of those decades of pound contracting:

  • employees who do not know how to investigate cruelty because they were always discouraged from investigating

  • employees who breed and sell dogs and cats (some who would fit the accepted definition of puppy mill and some who surgically mutilate their pups, against SPCA 'stated' policy) while being paid to 'dispose of' unsellable animals in the SPCA 'shelters' they work in

  • discouragement and surly, intimidating treatment of volunteers by these employees

  • a culture of killing that led to hidden atrocities

  • a requirement of hypocrisy, the need to pretend to the public that they were animal-lovers when in fact they were animal-disposers

What AAS asked for immediately was honesty from the BC SPCA.  But it has continued to misrepresent, dissemble, and mislead, and so AAS is forced by the SPCA's own choices to leave the incriminating material on our web site - because it is not possible to trust the BC SPCA when it is still making misleading announcements.  See the statement from the newest BC SPCA CEO about "miracles in the branches"  

In our letter to the SPCA's latest lawyers, Lawson Lundell (below) we showed that the BC SPCA has been acting in bad faith since AAS said it would temper its web site if and when the SPCA reformed, and that AAS has acted in good faith.

As we have said over and over, we do not want to have to do this draining job (emotionally and financially) forever.  But mostly - for the sake of the thousands of animals that we cannot personally rescue, we want an SPCA that we can trust to really prevent cruelty, really prosecute animal abusers, really promote animal welfare, really do humane education, really control puppy mills and other breeders, really advocate for tougher laws, and really do the work that its donators pay it millions a year to do. 

We await the BC SPCA to be what it says it is: open, transparent, and accountable. Honest reform - and trust -  is not possible without that.

AAS letter to Lawson Lundell in response to it attempting to intimidate our server into silencing us.

November 13, 2002

Lawson Lundell,
925 West Georgia Street,

Vancouver, BC V6C 3L2

NetNation Communications,
Suite 1410 Harbour Centre,

Vancouver, BC  V6B 4N6

 Re:  Alleged defamation of the British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BC SPCA) by Animal Advocates Society of BC (AAS)

 For your information only:


 In January of 2001, the SPCA's then lawyers, Owen Bird, sent me a letter threatening me with personal ruin if I did not purge the AAS web site of all material "defaming" the SPCA.   I had so much damning evidence of my allegations against the SPCA and had so thoroughly documented my charges, that I refused, posted more incriminating evidence of decades of SPCA dishonesty, and said that only if the SPCA reformed would I temper the AAS web site to reflect that.  In May 2001, the BC SPCA announced it would reform and began by holding Community Consultations throughout the province to which interested parties were invited to submit ideas and complaints.

I believe that it this came about only because of the power and influence of the Internet.


ONE:  THE SPCA HOLDS SECRET MEETING:  In the Summer and early Fall of 2001, meetings instigated by the City of Vancouver in response to AAS's reports of neglected dogs in Vancouver were held by the BC SPCA to which were invited "critics and stakeholders" (the SPCA’s words).  BC SPCA president Michael Steven, BC SPCA Director Marguerite Vogel, critic and lawyer, Myriam Brulot, other SPCA Head Office and Vancouver Branch staff, and City legal staff were invited, but not me, the writer of the report and the SPCA’s greatest critic.  I was not even informed. I had to force the SPCA to permit me to participate in the SPCA's first declared foray into being "open, accountable, and transparent" (the SPCA's words) by pointing out on the AAS web site that I could hardly be expected to regard secrecy and exclusion as proof of sincere reform by the BC SPCA. Once again, it is the power and influence of the Internet that caused this to happen.

 At one of the two subsequent meetings that I was then permitted to attend, the SPCA promised to "raise the bar" on seizures and prosecutions for the kind of neglect of dogs that AAS's reports so graphically describe.  Decades of neglect by the BC SPCA of expensive animal welfare in favour of paid animal control are the central tenet of my allegations of SPCA perfidy.  The SPCA promised the City that it would upgrade its existing Animal Care Guidelines (which in my opinion were never used and were only SPCA p.r. material) to include social neglect, and would start to apply them.

 The SPCA's Community Consultation panel released its report in November 2001.  The report made clear that many people said to the SPCA panel what AAS was saying on its web. 

 When I read the Community Consultation Report I was pleased to see that it was more condemning of past SPCA practice than I thought it would be, and it made what I thought was a fair start to the process of reform, and so when the SPCA put the report on its web site I put a link to it, right from our web site's front page.  And then I waited to see how much of the report would actually be implemented, or if it was just more SPCA self-serving p.r. before publishing AAS opinion of the report. The Community Consultation Report was still just on paper, and in fact, my hesitancy to praise the SPCA was justified by its subsequent actions. 

TWO:  THE SPCA WILL NOT MEET WITH ME OR PERMIT ME TO KNOW IN WHAT WAY IT IS REFORMING:  Since the SPCA's announcement that it would reform, and especially after the release of the Community Consultation report, I had many times asked to meet with BC SPCA CEO Douglas Brimacombe and BC SPCA president Michael Steven, to try to establish a working relationship so that I could explain face-to-face that I did not relish harming the SPCA, nor did I ever wish to destroy it as I had been accused of wanting to do by some BC SPCA directors and staff; that my only motive was to make it do what it had the power to do: prevent cruelty and promote animal welfare, which I had proved by several years of investigation it had not been doing for at least fifty years.   None of my emails to Mr Brimacombe and Mr Steven were answered or acknowledged.  

I also carried on a lengthy correspondence with Cindy Soules, at that time Communications and Planning manager, in which I said repeatedly that I did not wish to destroy the SPCA or even to harm anyone, and asking her to please urge Mr Brimacombe to meet with me so that I could understand what the SPCA planned so that I could keep my promise to temper the AAS web site.

I also wrote Marguerite Vogel, BC SPCA Director and author of the Community Consultation Report. Ms Soules and Ms Vogel both said that they knew that I was sincere, that they believed that I only wanted to help the SPCA to reform, and that I really wanted to get this over with and get on with my life.  Unfortunately, as will be seen further in this letter, the SPCA’s actions kept tending to erode trust, not create trust.

I repeatedly asked Ms Soules to apprise me of any actions taken by the SPCA that were evidence that it was trying to do better, but never received any.  I asked the same of Ms Vogel. I was told by Ms Soules to watch the SPCA's web site, but watch where and when?  I did diligently check daily for some time before realizing that it was not productive as there was no way for me to know where and when to look.  I particularly asked to be told when the SPCA made a seizure for neglect, as not doing this is one of my central arguments that the SPCA has avoided animal welfare in favour of animal control.  I wanted to post the good news on the AAS messageboard and praise the SPCA. I was told to read the SPCA’s press releases. Nevertheless, I did post the news of seizures whenever I became aware of them.

THREE:  THE KILLING OF SIX DOGS BY THE VANCOUVER SPCA: On January 24th, 2002, the Vancouver SPCA euthanized at least six, possibly as many as twenty, dogs, just to make space for more.  Volunteers went on television to condemn this.  The BC SPCA countered by saying the dogs were aggressive.  The volunteers refuted this by telling how they had walked, groomed and interacted with the dogs for months.  If the dogs truly were aggressive, the SPCA would not have allowed volunteers to handle them.  The new, reformed, BC SPCA was caught lying. It had "housecleaned" for space, just as it has done for decades. Because it lied - not because employees were behaving in "old" ways - I knew that this meant that there was no reformed SPCA, that its past deceitful behaviour was its present behaviour.  The AAS web site and messageboard allowed the public access to this story.

At this point, if the SPCA had behaved decently, and said honestly, We regret that these dogs were killed for lack of space, we are implementing new policies and procedures to make sure this never happens again, I would have roundly applauded the SPCA and breathed a sigh of profound relief that my financially and emotionally draining fight to make the SPCA honest might be over, and that I could start to actively support the SPCA's "New Direction", which is all I have ever wanted.  I told Ms Soules, and others at the BC SPCA, many times, that I knew that the SPCA would not be able to control the actions of the employees who were hired to carry out its pound contracting duties very soon; in fact I told Ms Soules that I realized that the full reform of the SPCA would take as long as five years and would involve bitter fights with the SPCA's employees' union; that I could understand and sympathize with lapses of behaviour and mistakes; that I never expected the SPCA to be perfectly what I would like, that differences of opinions and even of some standards were not the primary issues for me; but that what I needed to see and know was that the SPCA was going to start being honest.   Without honesty I would have no way to know if the SPCA was truly reforming and no way to know when to safely temper AAS's web site.

I was ready, even anxious to put this onerous, negative, and frightening task behind me and assist the SPCA in whatever ways I could to fulfil its new ideals.  I expressed this to Ms Soules many times in emails and in phone conversations. No one could have been happier, more relieved, or more willing to trust than I was at that time. I posted notices on the AAS messageboard that AAS was looking for positive things to say about SPCAs and asked readers to post the good things they knew that their local SPCA was doing.   Unfortunately, I only heard praise for the Nanaimo SPCA, but I contacted the branch manager and asked her to provide us with a list of all its programs and successes which she did and which I then posted.

FOUR: THE "NO-KILL MORATORIUM":  On March 2, 2002, in order to counteract the enormous harm done to it by the exposure on television of the killing of the six dogs at the Vancouver SPCA, the SPCA announced a "No-Kill Moratorium".   The positive p.r. value of this announcement was equal to, or perhaps even greater than, the negative publicity over the killing of the six dogs.   The BC SPCA announced that euthanasias would only be preformed after a dog had been assessed for behaviour according to a test devised by a Dr Suzanne Hetts and which was downloaded from the Internet.

But the moratorium was so hastily conceived and so badly implemented that it resulted in an instant backlash from the branches because they were forced to go on taking in dogs because of the BC SPCA's many pound contracts with municipalities to dispose of dogs, and because of the BC SPCA's open surrender policy which requires branches to empty its cells of unsold animals to make room for more surrendered animals.   Most branches thought they were no longer allowed to euthanize for space and very quickly became full to bursting.  I have a copy of the letter written by the Prince George Branch that confirms this Some branches were threatening the unthinkable - to go public with this mess.  Some branches, notably Surrey branch, understood that the clever wording of the moratorium permitted euthanizing for physical or behavioural ill health, and as any behaviour that keeps a dog from being sold can be labeled ill-behaviour, this was really business as usual only with brand new window dressing. But most branches were in an uproar. The donating public understood none of this; it only heard the words no-kill and moratorium on killing and, I have no doubt, opened its purse strings generously.  I believe that, as usual, the SPCA's apparent concern for animals was really concern for itself, to repair the damage done by the exposure of the killing of the six dogs.

The “moratorium” was then, just as hastily, reworked, and anther version announced, but I still do not know how honest that version is either. It has a catchy new name: Companion Animal Management Program (CAMP) and the SPCA has said it is based on the ‘scientifically validated” Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) behaviour tests, (to get which the BC SPCA sent its employee with “scientific credentials”, Nadine Gourkow, a cat expert, to England, at least once). Ms Gourkow was extensively interviewed and written about in the media on the subject of the validity of the RSPCA tests and how the tests were going to ensure better matches between dogs and new owners and would result in less euthanasia. 

Requests to the BC SPCA to be told which test is currently being used, the RSPCA test that received so much publicity, or the Hetts behaviour test that the SPCA downloaded from the internet when it made the first ‘moratorium” announcement in March, have not elicited an answer. 

I am not making a distinction between the two tests.  I do not know if either or neither of them are a fair (to the dog) way to determine whether a dog lives or dies, but I believe that in the announcements of the two moratoriums and the two dog behaviour tests, that the BC SPCA may have, once again, behaved in a self-serving and dishonest way. I cannot know which test the BC SPCA is currently using, as it will not say.

Whichever test it is using, there has been much alarm and concern from the animal welfare community on the test’s implementation.  It has been alleged that the test was used by Ms Gourkow and an assistant to order the killing of cats and dogs.  A letter on the subject written by a BC SPCA Director supports this allegation.

Once again the some branches were in an uproar.  Managers and staff’s own experience and assessments of the dogs and cats in their care was being forcefully overridden by the Head Office CAMP managers.   It was called the “cull order”.   This was stopped as far as I can tell, but I believe it was only the power of the internet and web site messageboards such as CYABC, and Brindleweb and AAS’s  that caused the BC SPCA to stop forcing branches to kill dogs and cats that the branches thought were rehomable.

February 26th, 2002, Mr Brimacombe finally, after almost a year of me asking, emailed me an invitation to meet with him, but it was too late.  My trust was already undermined by the killing of the six dogs and the lying about the reason they were killed, and on March 2nd,  before I could respond to Mr Brimacombe’s offer, the BC SPCA announced its ill-conceived, and what I believe to be dishonest, “moratorium”.

These actions by the BC SPCA forced me to go back to waiting to see when and if the SPCA was going to be honest so that I could trust it enough to temper the AAS web site. The whole point was not if the SPCA was making mistakes still, but if it was being honest about its mistakes so that it could be trusted.

Proof followed proof that the SPCA had not reformed but was just using new P.R. to do business the same old way.


SIX:  THE SPCA'S REPORT TO THE CITY OF VANCOUVER on the dogs in AAS's report "It's Time!"  was so devoid of any useful information that it was insulting. Councillor Sandy McCormick agreed that it was an insult.

SEVEN:  THE SPCA ALLOWED GLOBAL TELEVISION TO GIVE IT CREDIT for the rescue of fifty-six chained dogs from the woods near Creston BC, which had been reported to the SPCA many times and which it had ignored.  Donations were directed away from this small group that desperately needed both the credit and the money and was directed to the SPCA. After AAS posted this disgrace on its messageboard, many people wrote letters to Global, the BC SPCA and the CRTC, Global aired another story in which the proper group was given credit and the SPCA offered to pay some of Creston PAWS vet bills.   Again – it was the power of the web that rectified this iniquity. 

EIGHT:  The SPCA still permits its own staff and directors to breed and sell dogs and cats while the SPCA's shelters kill unwanted dogs and cats.  These breeders, some of which have quite large breeding operations, are taking potential homes away from the very animals the SPCA "shelters" and sometimes kills. Some surgically mutilate their pups in contravention of official BC SPCA policy and all SPCA breeders operate in contravention of BC SPCA ads which urge everyone to spay and neuter their pets because of the “pet overpopulation problem”. and and

NINE:  SPCA "education events" continue to be little more than self-promotion, and sometimes even promotion of pet stores that sell puppy mill pups.

TEN:  Retreats for staff to Harrison Hot Springs and Manning Park while animals in the SPCA’s charge continue to be incarcerated in cold, cramped, miserable cells and animals that may cost too much to save are killed for “lack of resources” (the SPCA’s words).

ELEVEN:  The SPCA continues to use donations meant for animal welfare to hire lawyers to silence critics and for expensive staff retreats.  

TWELVE:  CAMP and the “cull order” (explained previously). 

THIRTEEN: Grandstanding seizures that seem to be done for the media and for donations ( 

FOURTEEN: Killing rather than rehabilitating and making the victims of SPCA avoidance of enforcement of the PCA Act 

FIFTEEN:  Still selling intact animals that can be (and have been) used for breeding ..\..\..\..\My Documents\Jackie Watkins of FOTA re intact dog sold by Surrey SPCA.eml and ..\..\..\..\My Documents\Letter from Nikki O'Connor re the selling of male and female intact Old English Sheepdogs by the Prince George SPCA.eml

I have more examples of what I believe is proof that the SPCA has not decided to just tell the plain unvarnished truth, and without the truth I cannot know if what the SPCA is saying and doing is real and I cannot temper the AAS website.

TRUST STILL NOT POSSIBLE:  The SPCA has demonstrated by these, and other actions that I have not named here, that any trust in it would be premature and misplaced.  After so many evidences of continued SPCA self-seeking and dissembling, I have come to the realization that the SPCA might have to be watched, possibly forever.   There is to be no relief - not until the SPCA stops self-serving and adopts an animal-serving ethic.  And I realized that I would not be able to temper the AAS web site until I could trust the SPCA. 

Because the task of forcing the multi-million dollar BC SPCA to actually prevent cruelty and actually promote animal welfare required so much of my time I have been unable to raise all the funds necessary to pay for AAS's hands-on rescue work and have been using my own money for years.  I have had my cars, home, and garden repeatedly destroyed by fostering up to ten large, unsocialized dogs at a time, and have been unable to realize income in other ways. No one could be more relieved and happy than I to believe that the SPCA can finally be trusted to put animals first – I have not done what I have done for any personal reason, but only for the animals whose suffering I witness daily. I am not persisting in my exposure of the SPCA because of any personal gain, nor because of any personal delight; in fact this task is draining, both financially and emotionally and I hope daily to be able to get back to a normal life.


On October 21, 2002, 20 months after its first failed attempt, the BC SPCA had new lawyers, Lawson Lundell, threatened legal action against AAS’s web server, NetNation, of Vancouver, if NetNation did not “shut down or (purge) permanently all of (AAS’s Web Site) false and defamatory content.” 

This time the SPCA was not attempting  to intimidate AAS, it was attempting to brow-beat NetNation into shutting down our site, even though a court has not said the AAS site is libelous.   It was attempting to circumvent the courts. It was attempting to make NetNation its agent.  In this way it avoids the possible humiliation of the public exposure of AAS’s evidence in a court. In this way it does not even have to address the question of whether AAS’s Web Site is true or not.

ACCUSATION OF HATE LANGUAGE  I am being accused in Lawson Lundell’s letter, of using intemperate, even "hate" language.  But there is a long history of failed efforts by people politely begging and pleading with the SPCA to change and to actually carry out its mandate, and I realized that only clear, strongly worded, unambiguous language would work. 

AAS ATTEMPTS TO COMPLY As an earnest of good faith, on receipt of a copy of Lawson Lundell’s twelve-page letter sent to us by NetNation, I sent a letter to Lawson Lundell in which I wrote that I will “undertake to remove, edit, or amend the material named in the letter as defamatory, as I see fit.

I then began to do just that.  I have no money for lawyers, and I feel that some of information on our web site is expendable. I removed or changed some of the material quoted as defamatory in Lawson Lundell’s letter of October 21st and sent the changes to Lawson Lundell to show that I was attempting to comply.

In an October 31st letter to NetNation, Lawson Lundell claimed not to be in a position to determine if my edits were satisfactory.   This contradicts its assertion in its first letter that it is in a position to determine that my statements are defamatory.  

On November 5th, NetNation wrote to Lawson Lundell that it is “not in a position to shut down the AAS web site based on your demand alone.”

Lawson Lundell sent a letter to NetNation again threatening legal action against NetNation if the demands were not met by Friday, noon, November 8th.

Since AAS has shown that it is attempting to comply with Lawson Lundell’s option of  “purge(ing) permanently of all its false and defamatory content”, I can only comment that its demand started to be met by us on receipt of Lawson Lundell’s demand. 

I continue to work on complying, to the best of my ability and in good faith. I will continue to send my amendments and deletions to both Lawson Lundell and to NetNation, as I make them. (This has now been done. Thirty-three AAS Web Site pages or Messageboard messages have been removed or edited.  All have been sent to you.)

TEMPERING THE AAS WEB SITE:   I have  made many attempts to show my honest intent to keep my promise to temper the AAS web site if the SPCA honestly attempts to reform.  I have asked for instances of SPCA improvement, in emails to the SPCA and I have posted instances of improvement on our messageboard.  I have praised the SPCA wherever I have believed that it was honestly trying to do better. I have stated that I do not wish the SPCA to go broke or to go under. I have stated that I truly wish the SPCA to reform itself so that I can assist it to help suffering animals in BC.

Some examples of AAS acting in good faith:

Nov/01   I put a link from the AAS web site’s front page to the Community    Consultation Report on the SPCA’s web site and refrained from making any critical comment.  Even though there was room for criticism, I felt that the report was a good beginning.


July 13/02:  We could have wished that the process of reform hadn't been so fraught with politics and errors in judgment, but we are hopeful nonetheless that real reform is coming. And so we are not, unlike many critics, demanding anyone's head - we did not ever want to "bring down" the SPCA - we are not its enemy. We continue to wait and watch and help the SPCA to reform by holding its feet to the fire.

We are (with many reservations) hopeful that the SPCA's "New Direction" will result in a more honest, proactive organization that will truly protect animals from cruelty instead of its benefiting from society's huge number of cast-off animals. We think the process of reform at the SPCA may take another five years, but we think I can see it feeling its way. We have criticized its leader, CEO Douglas Brimacombe, for some decisions that cast doubt on his suitability and so we are reserving judgment on whether we think he is the right person to reform the SPCA, but Mr Brimacombe has a board of directors who are actually involved in decision-making (unlike previous compliant boards), and Mr Brimacombe can learn from his mistakes if he is open. One hopeful sign is that the person who was largely responsible for the BC SPCA's pound contracting empire and the cult of secrecy has been "moved sideways". 

July 10/02:   AAS has consistently heard good things about the Nanaimo SPCA, run by Lorraine Chiorando, and the Powell River SPCA, run by Audrey Hill - neither of which has contracts to dispose of dogs. We'd love for anyone who has a good word to say about these "true" shelters or any others to post here.

And a long list of good things the Nanaimo SPCA does at:

July 16/02:  (In response to other critics that SPCA CEO Douglas Brimacombe only restructured the branches to gain power for himself.)   Restructuring the Society so that it was not 32 little fiefdoms all doing their own thing their own way was the most important step in reforming the BC SPCA. Absolutely no change would have been possible without it. The BC SPCA was (and still is being) harshly criticized by some of the directors of old SPCA branch boards who lost their power, but it is beyond me how they think the SPCA could fix the things they complained about for so long when the BC SPCA had so little control over the operation of its branches.

July 14/02:   AAS does not wish to see the BC SPCA go broke. And we don't want to see it go under.  But currently it looks very much like it is spending most of its money on more head office staff, more salaries, more travel, more lawyers, and more consultants. We are anxiously waiting for signs that the SPCA understands that it can never again get away with the deceit it practiced for fifty years, and to start putting animals first. The SPCA is spending money like water when it should have decided to tighten its belt, practice some short-term self-sacrifice, and win the respect of the public honestly, instead of with glitzy media appeals.

July 3/02:  AAS has never advocated the "bringing down" of the BC SPCA; no other body or organization is even remotely capable of running animal welfare in BC. We have said for years that it must be reformed, that old-guard employees must be weeded out.  But this cannot be done as long as the SPCA holds pound contracts; pound contracts need employees who see animals as "product" (in the words of the BC SPCA’s Director of Health Services, Dr Jamie Lawson’s who was quoted in the Maple Ridge News saying that the SPCA’s animals are “product”, June 2002)


 AAS'S PROOF IS FIRST AND FOREMOST IN THE BC SPCA’S OWN ACTIONS. Fifty years of pound contracting, cruel methods of disposal, huge salaries, hidden finances, secrecy, false euthanasia statistics, grim, bottom line “shelters”, ruthless employees, barely-existent animal welfare and education programs, staff breeding and selling, false statements such as “We get no government money”, and the sheer volume of our evidence and testimony of hundreds of persons who told me what I had seen many times for myself and which was undoubtedly made clear to the Community Consultation Panel in hundreds of oral and written submissions.

I hope I have proved that this dispute is entirely driven by the BC SPCA, by its years of deceit, and by its continued dishonesty.  No one can be expected to profess a belief that anyone has stopped lying when that party is still lying, and yet the SPCA is trying to either make me profess that or prevent me from continuing to point out that it is still lying. I hope I have proved that it is the SPCA's lack of honesty that has prevented AAS from tempering its web site.

ONLY THE INTERNET COULD HAVE DONE THIS.  Fifty years of people trying to make the SPCA be honest, and fulfil its mandate, failed absolutely.  The SPCA understands that is not able to hide anymore now that one small organization has been able to use the power of the Internet to expose it. 

AAS believes that only the power of the web will result in the reform of the SPCA, and of real prevention of cruelty, and of real promotion of animal welfare.  That is why the SPCA’s attempt to shut down the AAS Web Site must not succeed.

In the years that I have dedicated to animal welfare I have had only one goal – to make the SPCA help the suffering animals that I cannot help. I have not once said that I wish the SPCA to be destroyed.  I have not shown by contradicting myself, or changing my mind in any way, that my motives are suspect.  I have no self-serving goal except that of the relief I will get when I can let the SPCA get on with the job that I cannot do.  I cannot betray all the suffering animals that I know of, especially chained dogs, by being frightened away.

After a year of hoping that SPCA reform is real, and trying to honestly find reasons to be supportive of the BC SPCA, I am still waiting to see that the SPCA can be trusted so that I may hope that AAS can help the animals that the SPCA neglected to help, by helping the SPCA to do its job. 

 Yours very truly,

Judith Stone
Animal Advocates Society of BC

 There was no answer, there has not been to date.  It seems the second attempt by the BC SPCA to silence  AAS has failed too.





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