Animal Advocates of B.C.

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"Until he extends his circle of compassion to include
all living things, man will not himself find peace." Albert Schweitzer 1875 - 1965

No help for her at the SPCA  she was given to in trust

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June 24, 2003

Craig Daniell,
CEO and Manager of Cruelty Investigations,

Dear Mr. Daniell,.

I am writing you today with a heavy heart. Please take the time to read Goldie's Story.

Goldie, a 13 year old little dog,   was adopted out of the Victoria SPCA near the end of April.  She had been surrendered for euthanasia, but the decision was made by the SPCA to adopt her out instead. 

Goldie weighed 6 lbs 14 the time of adoption and had just been groomed.  The vet who examined her indicated she needed extensive dental work and extractions.  The people who adopted her were told this but no follow-up was done, no special rate negotiated etc.

Her adoption did not work out and instead of being returned to the shelter, the shelter gave her new owners permission for her to go to another  home.  She was at that home less than a week before being picked up by the Capital Region District  pound on May 26, 2003. Her latest owner paid the fine and got her home.  This happened again.  The third time she was picked up running at large was June 12, 2003.  The newest owners surrendered her to the CRD pound.

I rescued her from the pound with its blessing on June 18,2003.  I took her to a vet of my choice and got antibiotics for her mouth (antirobe) and medication for her ulcerated eye (maxidex).  I also purchased baby aspirin and artificial tears to try and help her.  The intention was to put some weight on her, have her dental work done and see how she was after that.  Goldie could not eat regular food so I fed her roasted chicken in minuscule pieces, which she loved very much but it became apparent very quickly she was too ill to be saved.

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I could not allow her to suffer any longer and she was too ill and too underweight to do surgery on. She was skin and bones, all her ribs and her backbone were evident to the lightest touch.  Her weight 6lbs. 8 oz (only 6 oz lighter than when she was at the shelter).

She was euthanised today, June 24,2003.

Greater Victoria Animals' Crusaders do not adopt out animals who are in pain and medically unsound.  How can the SPCA?

Goldie  was a sweet, sweet dog and she did not deserve to be made to suffer.  She did not deserve to be sold from the shelter, rehomed, scared to death in the pound three times and finally treated when it was too late.  She did not deserve the cruel treatment she received.  She was surrendered for euthanasia for a reason and  her needs should have been respected then.  The Victoria SPCA had the obligation to either make her medically sound or euthanize her. 

Can you put safeguards in place so this does not happen again?

The BCSPCA  must ensure it is not part of or an accomplice to the cruelty you are working so hard to stop.

Carol Sonnex

From: Craig Daniell

Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 4:47 PM
Subject: RE: Please read Goldie's Story

Hi Carol:

Apologies for the delay in responding to you.

I will be contacting Greig Jenkinson re this matter and will revert to you in due course.


Craig Daniell
Acting Chief Executive Officer
1245 East 7th Avenue
Vancouver, BC  V5T 1R1
604.647.1322  Fax. 604.681.7022

July 4, 2003 - to this date, Carol Sonnex has not heard from Greig Jenkinson

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Further reading:

Feline distemper a the Victoria SPCA

Burnaby SPCA's web page, "In Memory" describes how dogs die of psychological neglect at SPCAs *LINK*


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© 2003  
Animal Advocates Society of B.C. Canada

Editor:  Judy Stone