Animal Advocates Watchdog

Make plans to help animals skinned for fashion on November 23rd

One Week Left Until Fur Free Friday

Make plans to help animals skinned for fashion on November 23rd
fur free friday 11.23.07

This November 23rd, in the peaceful spirit of the holiday season, thousands of activists around the U.S. will join together for a non-violent demonstration against the cruel fur industry. Fur Free Friday is an annual event that takes place every year on the day after Thanksgiving. Targeting stores that sell fur, animal rights activists gather to inform the public about the blood, suffering and death that goes into every fur garment.

IDA and local organizers are coordinating Fur Free Friday activities in cities and states around the country for people to participate in. We also encourage people to organize their own Fur Free Friday events in areas where events are not yet planned. Please use your voice to help animals this holiday season by taking part in this national day of action.

What You Can Do:

* If you haven't already made your plans to take part in this important annual day of action, find out what's happening in your community. If no events are scheduled for your area, it's not too late to plan an event of your own. Host your own activity and submit your event details so we can add it to our website. Print out IDA's anti-fur flyer or order copies today to have them in time for your event.

* Send photos of your event to so we can share them with others on our website following Fur Free Friday.
