Animal Advocates Watchdog

Kensington's "freedom of expression" was "stifled"

“This is about freedom of expression of the filmmaker to make a intelligent, responsible film about a difficult subject,” said festival programmer Sean Farnel of his decision to schedule Casuistry: The Art Of Killing A Cat. “That’s what the festival is all about, setting the terms for debate, not stifling them.”

Freedom of expression all around. Kensington got to express his agony; in fact, that is what all the voyeurs at the Toronto Film festival paid their money to see. But then Kensington's freedom of expression was stifled by his being dead. There seems to be some conflict in Farnel's thinking. Or perhaps it is the more simple answer - that Farnel, and the talking heads in the art world, don't actually think, they only parrot each other.

Messages In This Thread

Dog starved in name of "art"
Art is being corrupted by evil attention-seekers
TIFF insists on showing the torture of Kensington the cat in the name of "freedom of expression"
Kensington's "freedom of expression" was "stifled"
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SNIFFY THE RAT: Charges not laid *LINK*
The implication is that the SPCA would not have charged Gibson if he had crushed Sniffy
SNIFFY THE RAT: Death is not entertainment - violence begets violence *LINK*
