Animal Advocates Watchdog

Cross-posted from Brindleweb: Staff Review Group noted the City recently spent over $300,000 upgrading the pound
iv) Animal Control Shelter
The Community Services Group requested $15 million to replace the Animal Shelter with a
significantly enhanced facility in order to meet the objectives of their new business model.
The Staff Review Group noted that the City has recently spent over $300,000 upgrading the
existing facility and, given other priorities, was not able to provide full funding. However,
the group recommends that $500,000 be allocated to this project for planning and design
work that would reduce overall capital cost and identify a suitable site that would allow the
proposal to be resubmitted to the 2009 – 2011 Capital Plan process.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Housing first, for dogs

The City of Vancouver is pledging to spend $15m upgrading housing for a marginalized homeless population in the city. Dogs.

CIty councilor Kim Capri's motion to approve $15,000,000 (Item 4, p. 19) in funding for a brand new animal shelter facility will go before Council on Monday. $500,000 has already been spent developing the expansion plan.

On one paw, the facility will house all kinds of animals, not just dogs. On the other paw, dogs in Vancouver are not actually homeless right now. The City has a pound that is coping very well with the current homeless dog population. Last time I checked, I wasn't solicited for food in the streets by a homeless dog. Would that I could say the same for people.

For reference, $15,000,000 is the equivalent of either 75 brand new social housing units, 250 purchased and upgraded residential hotel units, or at least 150 brand new social housing units if a developer were subsidized to include low-income housing in a development and creative financing were used via the property endowment fund.

If your stomach feels sick that disabled people, people with mental health issues, and people who are just really down on their luck are living on our streets and begging for food while we spend $15,000,000 housing dogs that already have somewhere else to go, you can contact the City Clerk's office at 604-873-7276 to ask to speak to the motion at Council. The motion will then be set for another day to hear from the public.

At the Regular Council meeting on December 11, 2007, Councillor Capri submitted the
following Notice of Motion which was recognized by the Chair:
1. Animal Services in the City of Vancouver (VanRIMS No. 11-4600-21)
MOVER: Councillor Kim Capri
SECONDER: Councillor Suzanne Anton
Whereas responsible pet ownership contributes to neighbourhoods and communities
that are safer, more enjoyable and more liveable for everyone;
Whereas licensing of pets in other cities has proven to be financially beneficial and
well-supported, as it helps the pets, their owners and the city;
Whereas other cities have demonstrated that licensing compliance of over 90% is
Whereas the Vancouver animal services facility is inadequate for the current needs of
the city;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Staff are requested to work in cooperation with the
School Board and Park Board to:
1) Develop and pursue a self-sustaining funding model for dog licensing, urban
animal education, by-law enforcement and related programs;
2) Bring forward a request to the 2009-2011 capital plan for a new animal services
facility; and
3) Consider community partnerships which may assist in the City’s delivery of
animal services

Messages In This Thread

$15 million pound in the works for Vancouver? Homeless activists object
Cross-posted from Brindleweb: Staff Review Group noted the City recently spent over $300,000 upgrading the pound
Cross-posted from Brindleweb: MOVER: Councillor Kim Capri
Homeless activist blogspot objects to $15 million for dogs that already have a shelter *LINK*
MUST READ - Donna Liberson's researched report to council raises many critical concerns
Adult human beings have choices; children and animals do not
Watch the Council Meeting *NM* *LINK*
