Animal Advocates Watchdog

More concern for flowers than the rabbits

Yes - I am sure that I am sounding like a broken record BUT......

*Hotels and motels are *unhappy* their landscaping is being chewed up. Residents say their gardens are being eaten and their yards are littered with rabbit refuse.*

I wonder if the rabbit would be *uphappy* if it knew it was on the *kill* list....but it sounds like it wouldn't really matter because it's ALL about the FLOWERS.

I find it amusing that people can respect life in one form such as a FLOWER yet have no regard for another living being like a RABBIT.

Messages In This Thread

Kelowna seeking help with its bunny bonanza
More concern for flowers than the rabbits
Petcetera still selling rabbits in stores outside the Lower Mainland
I thought the SPCA had an agreement with Petcetera?
Petcetera and the SPCA do have an arrangement
Here is a link to CHBC TV coverage on the rabbit issue in Kelowna *LINK*
