Animal Advocates Watchdog

You know the fur industry is desperate when they jump on the "greenwashing" band wagon

Please see the light!
Whitehorse Star Jan 25/08
Sounds like Jim Lawrence (Star Jan 21/08) is the one that "seems to have fallen into the trap"- the trap of the fur industry's advertising propaganda.
Someone please help him see the light.

The Fur Council of Canada can spend millions of dollars on their ad campaign trying to convince consumers that trapping is humane and "green". You know the fur industry is desperate when they jump on the "greenwashing" band wagon; advertising does not change the brutal and inhumane reality of trapping.

Trapping is cruel and unnecessary and causes horrible deaths for millions of animals each year.
Killing without necessity is not humane. How is restraining and killing an animal in a trap humane?
Traps are indiscriminate (nonselective). They can and do pose the same sad fate to so called "non-target" animals.
Please visit for documentation on many "non-target" trapping incidents. We have our own local examples of this.
The Yukon's Department of Environment continues to keep from the media that snares they set to murder wolves in 2004 had caught a dog -as indicated in the occurence report on Jan 11/04.

Destroying the lives of animals for fashion is not humane. Please boycott all fur products. You can also help by asking local businesses not to carry fur products. By reducing the demand for animal products, you reduce the number of animals that suffer and are killled without necessity. The fur industry is based on the suffering of animals. Fur products are not "green"- they are red (from blood).
"A civilized world doesn't trap".

Mike Grieco
Whitehorse YT
