Animal Advocates Watchdog

Ethical Beauty: Terrific new site for teens *LINK* *PIC*

Ethical Beauty is geared towards the teen market as they experiment with makeup brands. It encourages them to take a stand on the issue of animal testing and only buy from cruelty free companies. Because many makeup brands are owned by huge conglomerates, the site will walk them through who tests on animals and who is cruelty free.

There is also a contest to be on the next cover of the Ethical Beauty online Magazine. To enter the contest letters must be sent to companies that test on animals and thank you letters to cruelty free companies.

Thanks for the opportunity to spread the word,

Keryn Denroche

Visit us to discover how you can save animal lives just by choosing which makeup you buy. When you become an Ethical Beauty you will know who tests their products on animals and who is cruelty-free.

So, when you see Drew Barrymore promoting Covergirl Lashblast mascara you will know that animals have died in the testing of this new product. That’s not beautiful.

Many companies are cruelty-free. So why would someone choose to buy makeup from a company that still tests on animals? Perhaps, because they aren’t aware of animal testing. Well, let’s change that. Please help us spread the word.

Join us. Have fun with makeup. Save animal lives. So simple, anyone can do it.

You could be on the next cover of the EB Online Magazine
Simply enter the online contest
