Animal Advocates Watchdog

Same old same old in Alberta as well

Same old same old in Alberta as well ... here is my response to the City of St. Albert donation to the Edmonton Humane Society's new facility published in the St. Albert Gazette, February 6, 2008 ...

Humane Society doesn't lobby

In response to the City of St. Albert's donation to the Edmonton Humane Society, I too believe that this money could best be spent elsewhere.

For years, I made every effort to implement bylaws in both St. Albert and Edmonton to ban the permanent chaining and isolation of dogs and the use of industrial guard dogs. While the Alberta SPCA supported my actions and invited me to provide information and petitions at local events, I was repeatedly informed by media relations at the Edmonton Humane Society that "we are not a lobbying organization." I was not permitted to provide information at their events about chained dogs and it became evident they did not support this type of legislation.

Complaints regarding animals kept chained for life have been met with the same response: "There is no law in place that prevents an owner from keeping dogs in these conditions." In fact, the Edmonton Humane Society is in a perfect position to ensure that no animal is forced to live its life at the end of a chain or in a junkyard. Anyone who donates to this organization should start to ask some tough questions about where their money really goes.

Messages In This Thread

Special to the Sun: SPCA deserves none of our money
Donna Liberson's researched report to council raises many critical concerns
Same old same old in Alberta as well
Craig Daniell - Attack on SPCA full of misinformation
Progressive animal welfare? I think not
