Animal Advocates Watchdog

Why hasn't Petcetera lived up to its promise?

Petcetera announced in March 2007 that rabbit sales would stop in all BC stores by September 1, 2007. So why haven't they? For quite some time we've heard that this pilot project with the BC SPCA hasn't been going smoothly. Information from Petcetera's head office has confirmed that a review is expected within the next few months. At that time, the issues, problems and logistics of expanding the program to the other BC outlets will be examined.

Messages In This Thread

"Pet" peeve with Petcetera
Lower mainland PetCeteras have SPCA bunnies for adoption
So much for corporate responsibility *PIC*
The BC SPCA's $50 spay-neuter certificates
Wham, Bam, Thank You Dan: Ratting Out the Rabbits?
Why hasn't Petcetera lived up to its promise?
