Animal Advocates Watchdog

ABC: the effect of home foreclosures on the homeless animal crisis

ABC Nightline's story, Thursday March 13, on the effect of home foreclosures on the homeless animal crisis, was beautifully done. You can read some of the text on line at

And you can watch the full story on line at

Please thank Nightline! It is vital that news shows receive positive feedback for animal friendly coverage. It encourages them to do more on animal issues. Nightline takes comments at:

Yours and the animals',
Karen Dawn

(DawnWatch is an animal advocacy media watch that looks at animal issues in the media and facilitates one-click responses to the relevant media outlets. You can learn more about it, and sign up for alerts at You may forward or reprint DawnWatch alerts if you do so unedited -- leave DawnWatch in the title and include this parenthesized tag line. If somebody forwards DawnWatch alerts to you, which you enjoy, please help the list grow by signing up. It is free.)

Please go to to read advance reviews of Karen Dawn's new book, "Thanking the Monkey: Rethinking the Way we Treat Animals" and watch the fun celebrity studded promo video.
