Animal Advocates Watchdog

Dead wolves: one of the ingredients used in Yukon 'Skookum Brand' parkas

[From PDF brochure/order form]

"Our distinctly Canadian anoraks have been worn and tested in some of the world’s most challenging environmental conditions, like the Yukon Quest, a 1,000 mile international dogsled
race, and the Yukon Arctic Ultra, which is considered the world’s toughest human-powered race.

The Skookum Brand anorak has also been appreciated on many fashion runways, including the North American Fur and Fashion Exposé in Montreal and highlighted at the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2007 Canada Winter Games (in Whitehorse).

Over the next 2 years we will be producing special edition IPY (International Polar Year) anoraks in limited quantities. We are offering these on a first-come, first-serve basis to IPY participants at approximately 40% off our regular retail price (IPY Promotional Price: $595) and are directing 5% of sales towards wildlife habitat protection in the north – a legacy that we hope to continue long after the IPY event."

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Dead wolves: one of the ingredients used in Yukon 'Skookum Brand' parkas
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