Animal Advocates Watchdog

I find it unacceptable to take the life of one kind of animal to save another *LINK*

Exploit Animals to Help Animals?

Whitehorse Star on April 18, 2008

Lamb - a baby sheep - a gentle, innocent creature taken from his/her mother to be killed young for his/her tender flesh - for taste!

The executive chef from the Westmark Whitehorse was on CBC radio on Tuesday talking about how much fun it was to come up with special recipes using beer and lamb for a humane society fundraiser this Saturday evening.

This is another classic case where the CBC is more than happy to provide free advertising for those who exploit animals and have fun doing so. Thanks again, CBC.

It surprises me that many of the dishes at the fundraising dinner will be made from animal flesh, since the event is supposedly raising money to save/protect animals.

Then again, the dinner’s two sponsors, Yukon Brewing Co. and the Westmark, are both big sponsors of the Yukon Quest, which to me is a major animal exploitation event.

I find it ironic that businesses that proudly promote the Quest are hosting a meat-based dinner to raise funds to protect other animals.

I don’t want to understate the good intention of those who organized this event for the well-being of the animals in the care of the humane society. But I find it unacceptable to take the life of one kind of animal to save another.

If those who planned the menu had any thoughtful consideration for animals, they would have made this a vegetarian dinner; a more compassionate, ethical choice.

Taking babies from their mothers (for taste) is not compassionate - it is cruel.

“Bon Appetit.”

Mike Grieco
