Animal Advocates Watchdog

Shock collars: Your opinion and experiences wanted at:

I am attempting to gather information regarding shock collars. I am most interested in who is using them and for what specific purposes.

Over the last couple of years we have noticed the proliferation of shock collars and electric fences. What really got us motivated was witnessing first hand a local "trainer" demonstrating the shock device he was selling. Our concern has prompted us to undertake some research. We have just started posting signs and have not had many replies as of yet. We plan to distribute many more flyers over the next couple of weeks. I am looking for alternate ways to reach dog owners to solicit their views and stories.

We need your help.

Please let us know about your experiences and views regarding shock devices used on pets.

Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Messages In This Thread

Shock collars: Your opinion and experiences wanted at:
Try it out on the human animal first
