Animal Advocates Watchdog

What about the lamb slaughter?

What about the lamb slaughter?

Times Colonist
Published: Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Reading about and watching cute baby seals being clobbered to death is not a pretty sight.

On the other hand, the killing of cute calves or cute lambs on a daily basis at the abattoirs is never mentioned in the newspaper or on television news.

It would be equally upsetting.

Furthermore, lambs and calves are frequently killed -- for religious and cultural rituals -- by cutting their throats so they bleed to death.

On the other hand, seals eat fish -- diminishing fish stocks. Seals are healthy and multiply fast. For hundreds of years, the local people have culled them. They have perfected a tool to hasten the demise of the animal as well as limiting damage to the pelt.

Were this procedure to be performed out of the public eye, I doubt very few would give it a second thought.

I love animals. I do not like to see any animal killed. However, let us call a spade a spade.

Animals are killed every day on our behalf, for our food or pleasure.

Fredericke Weston


© Times Colonist (Victoria) 2008

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