Animal Advocates Watchdog

PCRM wants to know: Have you been able to improve your health with a vegan diet?

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine needs your vegan success story.

Have you been able to improve your health with a vegan diet?

Have you lost a significant amount of weight from being on a vegan diet and kept it off? Have you had success in treating diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, migraines, acne, or some other condition with a vegan diet? Well, we need you!

Please share your experience with us so we can share it with others. We often hear from journalists looking for success stories and we may want to put them in touch with you, feature you in one of our publications, or post your experience to our Web site. If you have a compelling story you're willing to share with the press, please submit your story here.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing about your success story soon. Due to the large number of submissions, we will be unable to contact each person individually.

Questions can be sent to
