Animal Advocates Watchdog

Makah want to open a processing plant to sell “marine mammals” to Japan

As most of you know, the Makah whale hunt has been on hold pending a “scientific review” of the impact the whale hunt would have on the gray whale population. At the same time the Makah are going through the waiver process to get a waiver from the Marine Mammal Protection Act. As you may also know, NOAA/NMFS doesn’t really look at science and have just followed their policy to allow the barbaric torture of these sentient beings. The draft environmental impact statement has been released by NOAA and is open to comment from the public until July 8th.

My request is two fold. First, read and send comments to NOAA on this commercial hunt cloaked in supposed “culture”. NOAA documents showed that the Makah wanted to open a processing plant to sell “marine mammals” to Japan. Second, we are sending in letters asking for an extension. Given that this document is lengthy and will take time to analyze we need to request extra time to give the document adequate attention (unlike NOAA).

Here is the URL where you can find the documents………

We must end this barbaric, cruel and misguided industry.

Sandy Abels
U.S. Citizens Against Whaling
