Animal Advocates Watchdog

Planned rabbit cull dubbed a ‘quick fix’ that will not work

Planned rabbit cull dubbed a ‘quick fix’ that will not work
May 18, 2008

To the editor:
There have been many items lately about the Kelowna feral rabbit situation.

Sadly, most of them are not well informed and contain errors.

There seems to be a need on the part of many reporters and others, to want to use catchy, cutsy, and sometimes controversial language instead of reporting the facts.

Many, many humane options and long-term options have been put forward that the city and others do not seem to want to acknowledge.

In addition, the cull is just a quick-fix unless some of these other options that get to the root of the problem are implemented. I am speaking about a spay and neuter bylaw for all rabbits that are sold and things like actually enforcing, or some attempt via signs, to publicize the abandonment laws.

Education on valuing all living beings would be nice or something as basic as information on caring for rabbits and other animals.

What is also very troubling is the way city council handled the matter.

First, although the issue was known for years, there was no real action until things reached a very serious stage even though some of the animal welfare groups urged action.

The whole decision-making process was compromised.

If one is to note the “thin edge of the wedge” principle, we would certainly have to ask how other city decisions are made if there are times when the information is poor, biased and incomplete.

It appeared that council just wanted to get this item off its plate. Also, three councillors were absent.

Animal welfare groups and people are often made out to be a little crazy. The more appropriate way to view these people and groups is as caring and responsible.  

These are often the people who are volunteers for a number of groups.They care about people, animals and the environment.

They are the people who will get out and take action instead of complaining and doing nothing.

They will stand up for their values and principles and be counted instead of whining and complaining.

Louise Adams


Messages In This Thread

Two letters: Would council take same action against those responsible for city’s rabbit problem?
Planned rabbit cull dubbed a ‘quick fix’ that will not work
