Animal Advocates Watchdog

Once you're called a "zealot" you know the attainment of the goal is not far off

Once you're called a "zealot" you know the attainment of the goal is not far off

It's a bit sad to read the snarls, snappings, and whines of any dying breed (such as Canadian seal hunters). Animal rescuers are in the ascendancy and animal killers' days are numbered, but they foolishly ‘fight, claw and spit’ as they go down.

As with all socially-improving paradigm shifts, it is straight-talking, courageous animal rights "zealots", taking the abuse and attacks and often paying a huge personal price who lead the way to improved social behaviour toward other species. Destructive zealots are never a credit to any movement, but honest non-violent zealots can't be stopped.

Non-violent zealots are only those people who are ahead of the pack. If one zealot is silenced, more take over. The process of social improvement is only slowed by the tactics of the losers; but losers they will be, once the tipping point is reached.

The tipping point is when publicity finally shifts to the side of the zealots because of photos, statements, video and the internet. When the majority of the public is educated, informed, and horrified, there's no way to stop humane improvement, no matter how much the losers cling to that belief.

Messages In This Thread

Sea Shepherd vows to bill Canada $1,000 a day for seized ship
Smashing a bladed hakapik into a seal's head and skinning it while alive is barbaric
‘Let’s fight, claw and spit back’ *LINK* *PIC*
Once you're called a "zealot" you know the attainment of the goal is not far off
