Animal Advocates Watchdog

Creston BC: Wolf and cougar trap kills a dog named Rosie *LINK*

A heart-breaking story about a dog, named Rosie, tragically caught and died in 2 leghold traps set for wolves and cougars in Creston, BC was on Global TV News Hour on May 24, 2008 (Saturday). Please see the news segment at

For years, the Canadian fur trade and the government claim that traps don't hurt. They say that the traps used nowadays, such as the "padded" leghold traps, are "humane". Yet Rosie, caught in the "padded" Braun Trap, set for wolves etc., was screaming in excruciating pain while being driven to the vet clinic. And Rosie didn't survive. Imagine how much more suffering is brought upon our wildlife that, in addition to the unimaginable pain, has to withstand cold nights, hot sun, rain, storms, predator attacks, starvation, dehydration, and constant fear for days. To learn more about trapping cruelty, please visit Fur-Bearer Defenders' website

Fannya Eden
Program Coordinator
Fur-Bearer Defenders
225 East 17th Avenue, Suite 101
Vancouver, B.C., Canada V5V 1A6

Phone: 604-435-1850
Fax: 604-435-1840

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Creston BC: Wolf and cougar trap kills a dog named Rosie *LINK*
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