Animal Advocates Watchdog

Public perceptions about the morality of fur are changing

interesting poll:

It was publicized by Gallup May 19, 2008.

Apperently this is the first time the change went beyond the 5% stat. sig buffer, which is why Gallup hadn't remarked on it before.

"(Changes of fewer than five percentage points are not statistically significant.)....[Compared with 2001, Americans] have become less accepting of animal fur for clothing -- although the majority still support [it]."

[Fur] is Morally Acceptable
2001: 60%
2008: 54%
Change: -6%

[Fur] is Morally Wrong
2001: 32%
2008: 39%
Change: +7%

So, people are not just removing their support of fur and becoming neutral, but are actually reversing their moral posistion.

We're least in America.

Here's a more in-depth break down on the 2001-2007 data:

Messages In This Thread

Public perceptions about the morality of fur are changing
...and that includes sealskin sporrans
Waste Management Options for Fur Farming in Newfoundland
Every business has waste management problems including animal welfare societies that are not no-kill
