Animal Advocates Watchdog

RIP Chicken transport chickens

It breaks my heart when I am on my way into work and see a transport truck loaded with chickens. I hate it and always breathe a sigh of relief when I see a truck on the highway and it isn't carrying animals.
I dread having to be in the lane besides the truck and having to idle beside it. This morning was one of those times.

Despite my fear to look over, I force myself to look and to acknowledge them. To acknowledge their existence, their being and their soon to be fate. I wonder if anyone else in their cars even notice...and sadly, does anyone else care for their plight? They look tired and sleepy...I am sure they are cold and perhaps even hungry. Their feathers are in a state and I am sure they wish they were somewhere picking grain in the sun.

I hope and pray that they don't know their fate and perhaps that is a blessing.
I know for me, each time I see this, I am a blubbering mess by the time I get to work. I know that I will make it to work and perhaps by the time I am sitting behind my computer, their life is being ended. They must be terrified and scared for their lives.
No one knows, no one sees and most likely no one cares. Most are probably looking forward to chicken strips for lunch.

Please know little white chickens that someone took notice and has kept you in their thoughts. I am happy that you are able to break free of this world where you will no longer be used as a commodity.
