Animal Advocates Watchdog

CBC airs shocking horse slaughter segment -- June 10, 2008 *LINK* *PIC*

Last night, June 10, the Canadian show "The National" did an extraordinary twenty minute piece on horse slaughter. It explained that while the US has a temporary ban on horse slaughter, US horses are being trucked to any of seven slaughterhouses in Canada to be killed, and that the horse slaughter business in Canada has grown 75 percent as a result. The horses may be trucked from the US for 36 hours without food or water, and they face gruesome deaths when they arrive. The piece makes clear how urgently we need to pass the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act, which would ban the transport of US horses to other countries for slaughter. Please go to or to learn more about how you can encourage the support of your legislators.

You can watch the CBS story on line at

It is includes distressing footage and a moving voiceover with sections such as:
"Inside the holding pens at Natural Valley Farms, the latest shipment of horses wait quietly for what the morning will bring. Race horses who've stopped winning, work horses who just aren't working out, the pets of teenage girls who've moved away to college. "

It is hard to watch, but a good line to remember is "We must not refuse to see with our eyes what they must endure with their bodies." At least click the link (stations count clicks) and watch what you can.

Messages In This Thread

CBC airs shocking horse slaughter segment -- June 10, 2008 *LINK* *PIC*
Post your comment on the CBC National site *LINK* *PIC*
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Saskatchewan and Ottawa are talking about humane slaughter
It sickens me to see a lone animal surronded by those who have the power to make a decision on its life/fate
Even when fearful the horse is covered in dignity
Lifeforce Foundation: Lives for Sale - Fraser Valley Auction
May 2004: SPCA to sell "rescued" horses in sealed bids at auction *LINK*
March 2007: BC SPCA adopt-a-thon for farm animals *LINK*
Governments respond to CBC report on horse slaughter industry
Lives for Sale – Fraser Valley Auction
