Animal Advocates Watchdog

Lifeforce Releases “Belugas: Far From Home” Video *LINK*

The Vancouver based ecology organization, Lifeforce, has launched a new video entitled “Belugas: Far From Home” on You Tube in order to raise public awareness of the plight of belugas in captivity. The link is

“Lifeforce hopes to counteract the pro-captivity propaganda by a multi-million dollar entertainment industry that will seek to capitalize on the recent birth of a beluga at the Vancouver Aquarium. ” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder, “The video shows the natural lives and freedoms of belugas that cannot be provided for in captivity. Being born in captivity is a life sentence and is tantamount to locking a child in a room for their entire life.“

The video is a reminder of the suffering and why the planned $80 million Vancouver Aquarium expansion will result in the imprisonment of more dolphin slaves and wildlife. Although Lifeforce was successful in stopping any further imports of dolphins captured after 1996, the Vancouver Aquarium’s promotion of dolphin tourist attractions is part of the reason why captures continue worldwide.

Lifeforce is urging people to write to the Vancouver Council and Parks Board to stop the expansion and to boycott aquariums.

The video is dedicated to the 33 dolphins whom have died as a result of the Vancouver Aquarium pro-captivity policies since 1964. In addition, the Vancouver Aquarium started the orca slave trade that led to the decimation of local orca populations that are now designated as endangered.

For further information:

Lifeforce 604.649.5258 and
