Animal Advocates Watchdog

Letter to the Vancouver Courier: ...and the managers at the S.P.C.A. earn how much? Doing what?

As an animal-lover living in Vancouver, I have seen so many times in my own neighbourhood dogs chained up and isolated with lack of water. One dog was locked up in a garage with no light entering the premises. This dog was locked up during the day so he had "light depravation" which causes damage to the dog's sight and is a cruel negligent act. Another dog was caged in for two years since he was a pup and never had walks. When my 6 months puppy ran towards the already adult dog in that cage, that poor animal urinated himself due to his fear of the unknown that lurks outside his own cage. There are endless stories of dogs being neglected and chained up outside, in all weather, all year around. Each time we have contacted the SPCA, nothing was done to remove any of these poor dogs. After a while we stopped calling this so called animal lover agency "The S.P.C.A.".

It is clear to me by now that the S.P.C.A. is in this business for the money and not for the love of these innocent animals who have no voice. From my own experience I have seen this organization adopt their dogs absolutely to anyone.

We no longer call the S.P.C.A.. So far, it is the Animal Advocates who have role modelled to the community what animal care, responsibility and love means. Before a dog is ever adopted by the Animal Advocates the potential owner goes through a lengthy interview process and the dog can be returned if the owners no longer wish to care for the animal.

It is the Animal Advocates, along with the rest of the animal lover community who should be taking the S.P.C.A. to courts.

Shame on the S.P.C.A.

...and the managers at the S.P.C.A. earn how much? Doing what? How much of that money can improve the animals lives who are locked up in their cages. How much of the money can be put into a proper adoption procedure to prevent exposing the innocent to further abuse?



Rita Mashinsky, yet another citizen in the neighborhoods who is disillusioned by the S.P.C.A
